Saturday, July 29, 2006

Corporate Finance Night Out, July 27 - Restaurant

Anne, Frank, Teresa and Declan

Sarah, Justin, David, me, Matthew

Johnatan and Lucia

Maureen, Declan and Sarah
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Friday, July 28, 2006

Corporate Finance Night Out , July 27 - Pub

People I work with:

Maureen, Teresa, me, Deirdre and Sarah

Anne, Frank, Johnatan and Matthew

Deirde, Sarah, David and Anne

Fiona and Aiden

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Monday, July 24, 2006

Holy Cross Abbey, July 22

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Hore Abbey, July 22

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Rock of Cashel, July 22

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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Rock of Cashel, July 22

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With Edyta, July 18

Edyta - my kindest and irreplaceable flatmate:)))))
We went shopping together, but of course non of the required items was bought:P
but we had lovely time in the restaurant;))
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Polish Party ;), July 8

It was fun:) and the party has finished for me with 12 km long walk home at 4am;) well... but! at 6 am I was lying in my own bed :D lovely:P
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St Anne's Park, July 8

Althouh it was rainy (I am not surprise by that;)) the walk was great. It is amazing that such parks are in the city...
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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Dublin, July 1

It is great (awesome!!) to meet old friend again...
and his friends as well :)))
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MichaƂ Lorenz - June 25

After Polish mess there was a meeting with this famous music composer.
He is really kind and modest person.
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Portuguese dinner - July 15

Teresa is my friend from work. She is staying with the company till Christmas as well, as her vocational traing is also half year long. She is really kind and funny ;)) The guys there are her friends. Sorry, but can't remember their names;))
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